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GPU server setup

Setting up the Kernal

Installing mainline

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cappelikan/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mainline -y
sudo mainline install 6.2

Reboot the Server

sudo reboot

Remove any existing Nvidia installations

sudo apt install gcc
sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'
sudo apt-get autoremove

Disabling the default NVidia libraries

Open the file

sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf

Insert these lines

blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0

Save and exit. Regenerate the kernel initramfs.

sudo update-initramfs -u

Check the graphics card by executing the following command:

sudo lshw -C display

Your graphic cards should be shown in the output generated.

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources

Paste the text

Types: deb
URIs: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
Suites: lunar
Components: universe
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg
sudo apt update

Installing Nvidia CUDA libraries

  1. Visit the following URL: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-12-2-0-download-archive
  2. Choose your configurations based on your Operating System. Please Choose X86 architecture.
  3. Nvidia will provide you a set of commands to execute. Please execute them one after another by copying and pasting them. An example has been provided below:
    wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2204/x86_64/cuda-ubuntu2204.pin
    sudo mv cuda-ubuntu2204.pin /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600
    wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/12.2.0/local_installers/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-2-local_12.2.0-535.54.03-1_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-2-local_12.2.0-535.54.03-1_amd64.deb 
    sudo cp /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-2-local/cuda-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/
    sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install cuda 
sudo reboot 
  1. After rebooting the server, execute the following command:

    You should now see the list of GPUs attached to your machine.

Installing Nvidia cuDNN

  1. Using your Nvidia account, visit the following URL: https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive
  2. Download the local installer by choosing the latest version based on your operating system.
  3. Execute the following commands:
    wget -nc https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ck7akyej5l0onopvmvecf/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204-
    sudo dpkg -i cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204-
    sudo cp /var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- /usr/share/keyrings/
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install libcudnn8 libcudnn8-dev -y 

Creation and login as a new sudo use`r (Optional)

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G sudo jupyter
sudo passwd jupyter
su - jupyter

Setting a Virtual Environment using Conda

  1. Download the latest version of Anaconda.
    wget -nc https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2024.10-1-Linux-x86_64.sh
  2. Install the conda
    bash Anaconda3-2024.10-1-Linux-x86_64.sh
  1. Execute the below provided commands
    source .bashrc
    conda config --set auto_activate_base false 
  2. Check the Python Version
    python -V
  3. Tensorflow GPU currently works better if your Python Version is 3.10. Thus, let us create virtual environment with Python 3.10
    conda create --name jupyterHub python=3.10 -y
  4. Enter into that Virtual Environment
    conda activate jupyterHub

Installing Tensorflow, TensorRT, and other import DL-plugins

  1. Add the necessary channels
pip install --upgrade pip
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels microsoft
  1. Install tensorflow-gpu
    conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver -y
    conda config --set solver libmamba
    conda install anaconda::numpy -y
    conda install anaconda::scipy -y
    conda install conda-forge::cupy -y
    conda install anaconda::tensorflow-gpu -y
  2. Check the correctness of installed TensorFlow-gpu by executing the following commands:

    python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"

    Output must contain the following last line

    [PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:GPU:0', device_type='GPU'), PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:GPU:1', device_type='GPU')]

    If you do not see the above line, it means their may be an installation problem. Try to execute the below step

     pip install tensorflow[and-cuda]
     python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"

Installation of JupyterHub, JupyterLab, and Notebook

pip install --upgrade pip
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab jupyterhub -y
conda install notebook -y

Installing important dependencies, kernels, and widgets of JupyterHub

conda install sidecar playwright -y
playwright install-deps
playwright install
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab_widgets -y
conda install conda-forge::configurable-http-proxy -y
conda install -c rapidsai-nightly -c conda-forge jupyterlab-nvdashboard -y
conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets -y
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab-spellchecker -y
conda install conda-forge::jupyterlab-spreadsheet-editor -y
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab jupyterlab-git -y

conda install -c conda-forge python-kaleido -y
conda install conda-forge::jupyterlab-latex -y
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab-drawio -y

conda install bokeh -y
conda install -c plotly plotly=6.0.0rc0 -y
conda install -c plotly plotly-geo=1.0.0 -y

conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
sudo apt install -y qtcreator qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake cmake
conda install qtconsole -y
pip install pyqt5
pip install aquirdturtle_collapsible_headings 

pip install tqdm 
pip install jupyterlab-code-formatter 
pip install black isort
pip install lckr_jupyterlab_variableinspector

pip install jupyterlab_theme_solarized_dark

pip install pyqt5
conda install qtconsole -y

pip install colabcode
pip install autots auto-ts darts

#pip install autots auto-ts darts etna[all] greykite #kats
#error in kats setupfile. 

jupyter contrib nbextension install --user

Setting up the JupyterHub

Come to the home directory.

cd ~

Setup symbolic links to jupyterHub and jupyterNotebook to access them directly from the terminal.

sudo ln -s ~/anaconda3/envs/jupyterHub/bin/jupyter /usr/bin/jupyter
sudo ln -s ~/anaconda3/envs/jupyterHub/bin/jupyterhub /usr/bin/jupyterhub

Create the jupyterHub default configuration file

jupyterhub --generate-config -f ~/jupyterhub_config.py

Open the jupyterHub configuration file

vi ~/jupyterhub_config.py

Add the following text in the file

c.Authenticator.allow_all = True
c.PAMAuthenticator.open_sessions = False
c.JupyterHub.bind_url = ''   #REPLACE the IPADDRESS
c.Spawner.cmd = ['/home/jupyter/anaconda3/envs/jupyterHub/bin/jupyterhub-singleuser']
c.JupyterHub.hub_bind_url = ''
c.JupyterHub.hub_port = 8082
c.ConfigurableHTTPProxy.command = '/home/jupyter/anaconda3/envs/jupyterHub/bin/configurable-http-proxy'  #'/usr/local/bin/configurable-http-proxy'

#c.JupyterHub.ssl_key = '/path/to/my.key'
#c.JupyterHub.ssl_cert = '/path/to/my.cert'

Note: Change the ipaddress of the variable c.JupyterHub.bind_url

Create a startup file that starts jupyterHub right after the server starts

sudo vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/jupyterhub.service

Copy and Paste the below-provided text:


# Step 1 and Step 2 details are here..
# ------------------------------------
ExecStart=jupyterhub -f /home/jupyter/jupyterhub_config.py


Save and exit.

Execute the below commands on the terminal

sudo systemctl enable jupyterhub.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart jupyterhub.service

Change the home directory permissions

sudo chmod -R 755 .

Reboot the system

sudo reboot

Setting up the cluster

pip install ipyparallel
ipcluster start