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Methods to access the Severs

1. Setting up VPN

All the servers have a fixed local ipaddress for security reasons. Students can directly access the servers within the university. If the students wants to access the servers from home/outside of university, please set up a VPN.

Click here for more information on the University of Aizu network (ISTC).

2. Accessing the servers

The skytree and khalifa servers can be accessed from a terminal, a browser, and a remote desktop.

  1. Terminal:

    ssh userName/studentID@ipaddress
    E.g., ssh s1230000@khalifa1.u-aizu.ac.jp
  2. Browser (Jupyter Hub):
    1. http://skytree1.u-aizu.ac.jp:8000
    2. http://skytree2.u-aizu.ac.jp:8000
    3. http://khalifa1.u-aizu.ac.jp:8000
    4. http://khalifa2.u-aizu.ac.jp:8000
    5. http://khalifa3.u-aizu.ac.jp:8000
  3. Remote desktop

    Install any remote desktop client (e.g., VNC and Microsoft remote desktop) depending on your operating system. Access the servers using the following details

    1. Protocal: xrdp
    2. port: 3389 (Default port. So no need to specify most of the time)
    3. userName: studentID
    4. hostname: skytree1.u-aizu.ac.jp or khalifa1.u-aizu.ac.jp