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Linux professional commands
1. Nohup: Running a process in background (very important command)
Normally, big data programs may take several hours/days to execute. Thus, the common problem encountered by the researchers is that their programs often terminate when their remote terminals close due to session timeout, idle time, or network error. To evade this problem, users have to execute their programs using nohup command. The syntax is as follows:
nohup command &
E.g., nohup python
When you want to execute nohup command with sudo, then first execute a random sudo command without nohup and provide the password. Next, execute the program.
sudo ls
#Enter the password when asked
nohup sudo command &
E.g., nohup sudo python
The output of the nohup command will be saved in nohup.out. You can also redirect the output of nohup command to a specific file
nohup command >> outputFileName &
E.g., nohup python >> output.txt &
2. Mounting remote folders to a directory in a local machine
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