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Welcome to RAGE Uday Kiran’s Lab


1. Accessing the Lab Infrastructure

2. Tutorials

  1. Linux
    1. Basic commands
    2. Advanced commands and
    3. Pro commands
  2. PostGres
  3. Markdown

  4. Jupyter Notebook

  5. Google Colab

3. Server administration

  1. Setting up a Ubuntu Server

    Topics: Installation of GUI, Anti-virus, Remote Desktop, Prevent Network Idle Sleep, and Installation of Tex Live, NPM, and Node JS.

  2. Setting up the Jupyter Hub for Machine Learning

    Topics: Installation of R, Conda, Setting up an environment, installation of JupyterHub and its add ons.

  3. Installing packages and starting Jupyter Hub

    su - jupyter
    conda activate jupyterHub
    pip3 install <packageName>
    #pip3 install pami
    sudo ls
    nohup sudo ./anaconda3/envs/jupyterHub/bin/jupyterhub -f ./jupyterhub_config.py & 
  4. Installation and Setting up of PostGres and PostGIS in Ubuntu Server

    Topics: Installation of PostGres and PostGIS, Starting the server, and enabling remote connection.

  5. Creating users and giving database access

    Topics: Creating users, super users, and granting database access.

  6. Setting up LDAP Client

    Topics: Setting up of LDAP client

  7. Creating a python repository in PYPI

    Topics: Installing necessary packages, writing codes, and running them.

  8. Updating packages in Conda

      conda update --name base conda
      conda activate environmentName
      #conda activate jupyterHub
      conda update all -y #to update all packages in an environment
      #If you get any eror 
      conda update packageName -y
      #conda update notebook numpy pandas scikit-learn -y
      conda update conda #to update conda
      #updating all python packages using pip 
      pip --disable-pip-version-check list --outdated --format=json | python -c "import json, sys; print('\n'.join([x['name'] for x in json.load(sys.stdin)]))" | xargs -n1 pip install -U
  9. GeoAnalytics package

    Topics: Installing geoAnalytics package

  10. Resizing the disk using LVM

  11. Hadoop installation